
Eu4 merchant republic guide
Eu4 merchant republic guide

eu4 merchant republic guide

Or, you could start as Delhi and deal with your belligerent vassals for a challenge though this challenge can be mitigated by using the Place Relative On Throne interaction on Sirhind. Alternatively you can remain Islamic and form a new, stronger Delhi yourself, but I'm less familiar with what missions they get. You can remain as Panjabi Sirhind and wait for Sikhism to spawn sometime after 1480, then convert to Sikh and form Punjab to get bumped to Empire rank for free via your Mission Tree.Holy Roman Empire missions: 3: None: Malay missions: 21: Non High American missions: 6: None: For nations native to the New World with High American technology group. Coptic missions: 5: Rights of Man: European missions: 2: None: Filipino missions: 6: None: For nations with Filipino as their primary culture. It replaces the Diplomatic part of the Generic missions.The tree below represents the Muslim version.

eu4 merchant republic guide

The second tree branch is focused in religious goals, and differs according to Hindu, Muslim or Sikh religion. North Indian missions is a group of generic missions for countries having their capital in Hindustan, Bengal or West India region.After gaining independence, Sirhind can reform the Delhi Sultanate. He is also a powerful 3-star general giving Sirhind a major edge in its initial wars. Sirhind starts with a powerful ruler, Bahlûl Lodi, with 4/5/6 stats and the Strict, Conqueror, and Industrious traits. Within a few months after starting the game, The Rise of Bahlûl event will allow it to break free and declare a Reconquest war on Delhi. Home Eu4 sirhind missions Missions - Missions Sold Direc

Eu4 merchant republic guide